Psoriasis is an inflammation that affects various parts of the body. May cause skin symptoms. Can psoriasis affect the eyes?

Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis can lead to an inflammation of the eye called uveitis. Early diagnosis and treatment are the keys to preventing serious complications.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a common, chronic skin disease. It cannot be cured, but it can be cured.

Psoriasis occurs when skin cells in the body rebuild too quickly due to rapid cell production. Excess production leads to thick, scaly patches on body areas. In rare cases this may include delicate skin around the eyes.

Psoriasis around the eyes can be treated, but your doctor requires special attention.

Symptoms of psoriasis in the eye area

Symptoms of psoriasis around the eyes correspond to many symptoms of psoriasis that affect other areas of the body.

But psoriasis in your eyes and around them can have a greater impact on your daily life due to location. For example, the accumulation of skin cells can lead to so large spots that you have trouble closing and opening your eyelids.

Other signs of psoriasis around the eyes include:

  • red, scaly growths in the area
  • dry, cracked skin that may bleed
  • pain when moving the eyelids
  • problems with opening and closing eyelids
  • eyelashes rub against the orbit of the eye, because the scales push the eyelid inwards
  • dry eye because the scales pull the eyelid out
Can psoriasis affect the eyes?

Treatment of psoriasis near the eyes

The skin around the eyes is sensitive and should be handled with greater care than other parts of the body, such as feet. Topical medications should be applied gently to this area to avoid eye irritation. Your doctor may apply a local corticosteroid near your eyes to reduce the scale. Do not use a topical corticosteroid in psoriasis near the eyes without medical supervision. Using too much or too little dose can lead to glaucoma that damages the optic nerve or cataracts that obstructs the eye lens.

If the skin near the eyes gets infected, your doctor may prescribe a local antibiotic. He may also recommend a moisturizer suitable for the eye area. Ask your doctor if you will cause further irritation or infection before using makeup or mascara. This is understandable if you feel uncomfortable with the appearance of the skin, but eye health should be the most important thing.

Risk of eye disorders with psoriasis

If you have psoriasis, be sure to visit your eye specialist regularly as part of your healthcare. This can help overtake the following eye disorders, which are more common in people with psoriasis, regardless of whether psoriasis appears near the eyes:

Uveitis is swelling in the front, middle or back of the eye. In the most severe case, uveitis can cover all three layers.

Conjunctivitis (often called “pink eye”) is an inflammation of the moist tissue covering the whiteness of the eye and the inside of the eyelids.

Blepharitis is redness or swelling of the eyelids caused by bacteria and flaking of the base of the eyelid.



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